Jay Conrad Levinson se narodil v Detroitu a vyrustal v Chicagu. Absolvoval Univerzitu v Coloradu. Jeho studium psychologie ho vedlo do reklamních agentur.
Jay Conrad Levinson pusobil jako víceprezident v J. Walter Thompson (od roku 2005 JWT). JWT je jedna z nejvetších reklamních agentur na svete. Založená byla v roce 1864 ve Spojených státech. Spolecnost v soucasné dobe pusobí ve více než 90 zemích a má témer 10 000 zamestnancu. Jeho další kroky vedly do Leo Burnett Advertising, kde zastával funkci umeleckého reditele.
Jay Conrad Levinson se podílel na reklamách pro The Marlboro Man, The Pillsbury Doughboy, Allstate’s good hands, United’s friendly skies, the Sears Diehard battery, Morris the Cat, Mr. Clean, Tony the Tiger nebo the Jolly Green Giant.
Jay Conrad Levinson psal týdenní sloupce pro casopis Entrepreneur, clánky pro Inc. Magazine a jeho príspevky se každý mesíc objevovaly na webových stránkách Microsoft a GTE (General Telephone and Electronics Corporation [od roku 2000 Verizon]).
Dnes patrí Guerilla Marketing mezi nejsilnejší znacky v historii marketingu. Jay Conrad Levinson je predsedou asociace Guerilla Marketing International, která poskytuje konzultace malým i velkým firmám po celém svete. Guerilla Marketingu je venována populární stránka www.gmarketing.com.
Jay Conrad Levinson je autorem celé rady knih, pricemž po celém svete se prodalo více než 20 milionu kopií. Velmi známá je zejména jeho knižní série “Guerilla Marketing”, která patrí mezi nejlepší v oblasti marketingu.
Guerilla marketing, vydal Computer Press v únoru 2009Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small BusinessGuerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0: 1,001 Unconventional Tips, Tricks and Tactics for Landing Your Dream JobStartup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing: A Simple Battle Plan for First-Time MarketersGuerrilla Publicity: Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum DollarsIncludes Podcasts, Blogs, and Media Training for the Digital AgeGuerrilla Marketing: Secrets for Making Big Profits from Your Small BusinessGuerrilla Marketing: Breakthrough Strategies: Triple Your Sales and Quadruple Your Business In 90 Days With Joint Venture PartnershipsGuerrilla Marketing for Consultants: Breakthrough Tactics for Winning Profitable ClientsGuerrilla Social Media Marketing: 100+ Weapons to Grow Your Online Influence, Attract Customers, and Drive ProfitsGuerilla Marketing on the Internet: The Definitive Guide from the Father of Guerilla MarketingGuerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, 2nd EditionGuerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your PlanetMore Guerrilla Marketing Research: Asking the Right People, the Right Questions, the Right Way, and Effectively Using the Answers to Make More Money Guerrilla Teleselling: New Unconventional Weapons and Tactics to Sell When You Can’t Be There in Person Library EditionGuerrilla Marketing for Free: Dozens of No-Cost Tactics to Promote Your Business and Energize Your ProfitsGuerrilla Marketing for Financial Advisors42 Rules for Driving Success With Books: Success Stories of Corporate and Author Thought LeadershipGuerrilla Marketing for a Bulletproof Career: How to Attract Ongoing Opportunities in Perpetually Gut Wrenching Times, for Entrepreneurs, Employees, and Everyone in Between555 Ways to Earn Extra MoneyEarning Money Without a Job: Revised for the 90sGuerrilla Travel Tactics: Hundreds of Simple Strategies Guaranteed to Save Road Warriors Time and MoneyR.O.I. Marketing Secrets RevealedGuerrilla MarketingMastering Guerrilla Marketing: 100 Profit-Producing Insights That You Can Take to the BankGuerrilla Marketing for NonprofitsGuerrilla Marketing Excellence: The 50 Golden Rules for Small-Business SuccessGuerrilla Rainmakers: How to Make Your Business Rain Profits through the Law of MultiplicationGuerrilla Marketing For Real Estate Investors: 101 Ways To Market Your BusinessGuerrilla Marketing Weapons: 100 Affordable Marketing Methods (Plume)Guerrilla Business Secrets: 58 Ways to Start, Build, and Sell Your BusinessGuerrilla Creativity: Make Your Message Irresistible with the Power of MemesThe Entrepreneurial Author: Achieving Success and Balance as a Writer in the 21st CenturyGuerrilla Marketing In 30 Days WorkbookGuerrilla Marketing During Tough Times: Is Your Business Slowing Down?Guerrilla Advertising: Cost-Effective Techniques for Small-Business SuccessThe 90-Minute Hour (Plume)Guerrilla Marketing for Writers : 100 Weapons to Help You Sell Your WorkGuerrilla Saving: Secrets of Keeping Profits in Your Home-Based Business (Guerrilla Marketing) Guerrilla Street Team Guide: Helping Teamers and Business People Alike Utilize Guerrilla Marketing Strategies on the Grassroots Level to Reach People Not Typically Exposed to Traditional AdvertisingGuerrilla Marketing Online: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Earning Profits on the InternetGuerrilla Marketing for Mortgage Brokers: How to Steal Customers from Your CompetitionThe Guerrilla Entrepreneur: Achieving Success and Balance Now and in the FutureGuerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines: 35 World-Class Strategies to Send Your Profits SoaringRadu dalších knih naleznete napríklad v knihkupectví Amazon.
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