Thursday, February 24, 2011

High PR Backlinks needed for high ranking?

How many backlinks your site must have to rank higher with search engines? Interesting question, isn't? It arises in my mind when I started to notice my site is ranking higher.

I've witnessed my blog go in the ranking to page 6 on "Internet Marketing mastermind" search properties to go up to the 3rd, 2nd, and finally to the first page of Google and Yahoo.

I did much research SEO for the past two months, and the word "backlinks" was almost beaten in my huge head, wooden. I have been obsessed of backlinks for about two weeks, if I remember correctly, until I realized that if I produce content of quality, which is more interesting to read that most of my competitors, I would have no problem with SEO and ranking high with Google, because great content going viral.

Exactly a year and a half weeks later, I realized that an amazing thing happened! I WAS RIGHT! It happens rarely, but it does and this time, I was actually right! My traffic has grown sales, sign ups, subscriptions, you name. So, does that mean that backlinks are the Holy Grail of the SEO?

YES! Backlinks are important for high search engine ranking. Don't get me wrong, Meta tags, description and tags are also very important, but if you got those optimized right, are all that you have left with some backlinks.

Backlinks, in fact, is what Google uses to know if your website can be trusted. They are indeed as signals of your authority and tells what search engines think other websites you. Backlinks are like the testimonials to your website being legit, spam free place and safe for people to devote their time to the. Backlinks are what you might consider your hotel "star rating" - If you have many of them it is a hotel five star, otherwise, it's probably a motel 6.

If you're new or recently launched a website, here are some of the things you may wanna currently to continue promotion.

Download and install the Google toolbar. There are a few reasons you may wanna do. To begin, you will be able to access your Gmail and Google Bookmarks from anywhere and second (and largest) you'll have instant Page Rank data on Web sites you visit. Why is it important? Let me give you an example.

You are on your Backlink, blogs research mission post comments, and found you one looks like. It looks professional and elegant with buttons for RSS Feed of fantasy in the upper right corner. However, it will make you nothing good if you post a comment on a blog to bottom of page rank? Hardly... It might even screw things for you. So, what you do, check you with your Google toolbar page rank what is this blog have and judging on the data that you get, you can decide if it is worth your time to post a comment in the first place.

Check the backlinks how much your site has now. This in order to obtain an index, where you are at the moment, and know if you it intensify and intensive. I mean, you want to increase traffic, right?

One last thing before you get everyone pumped thought you cracking algorithm of Google, one last thing that you need to know. You'll not instantaneous results. You have to wait, because the backlinks don't work like that. It will take time, a few days, weeks, maybe months before Google will notice your website authority.

Time, they Don't stop, be consistent. If you don't see results after 4 days, do not stop and ask "Why am I still get no 34 000 hits per day?". Take it slow, take easy and you'll get your Web site where you want it to be.

Igor IgorHelpsYouSucceed Kheifets
Skype: igor.kheifets
Mastermind strategies more

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