Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Magic of Backlinks For Article Marketing!

In order to get Backlinks, you should put quality content on your website as well as get link with those which have got relevancy with your posted material. The higher the relevancy the higher the chances for getting visitors would increase. You should not overlook the quality of materials and articles that you post. It is necessary to come up with new and fresh information as visitors are hungry for such content. It may take up some time to submit articles and get Backlinks but it is worth doing the task. You can choose to do it manually but there are also some tools which can do get Backlinks for you. However the manual process is the most recommended one.

You can learn techniques how you can get Backlinks. One of the ways can be by submitting articles on Web directories and they would pave the way as Backlinks for you. You would be able to get many Backlinks without putting in much effort. Do not forget that there are some rules and guidelines which you need to meet before posting your articles on the web directories. The content should be originally written by you and should not contain any copied material from somewhere else. You can't fool them because your material would be checked before it is given the place on these directories.

You can even learn multi-linking and other kinds of backlinking techniques for your website if you have got more than one. There is no harm in telling your visitors about other helpful resources that they can look at. You should not forget to keep a check on the number of Backlinks that you have created so that you know which websites have been linked to your own page. There are tool which can help you in that. Besides telling you about the Backlinks of a website on popular search engines, it would also tell you a few things about your own websites. Other tools are also available which will help you find those websites which have got similar theme or material as yours so you can provide Backlinks with them. You just have to place the keyword and the tool works itself to find the right websites for you.

You can really earn a lot of money by being an article marketer. All you need to know is how to put information on the popular directories so that you can get Backlinks. It is one of the most powerful SEO services that have been developed to increase traffic to one's website. There is plenty of information that you can find over the internet if you have any further questions. Just keep in mind that popularity and fame would come your way as you keep on creating quality Backlinks.

You've invested in your website now invest in what the real power of the net... backlinking. Let us take the burden of creating links to your website so that you can be free to take care of your business.

Visit for your Link Building strategies.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

SEO and Backlinks understanding

What are the links?

As the term may already involve, backlinks are "links" that online users can click on that leads to a particular site. The number of quality backlinks has a specific Web site can dictate its overall popularity among engines of research and its visibility to potential buyers. Many people often unaware that, back links were the effectively the only way to browse the web with prior decades of the introduction of engines such as Google and Yahoo search. If no internet marketing is to succeed in this sector of activity, then they are supposed to build backlinks as a foundation of their web marketing campaign, especially for those who are quite tight in terms of cost of advertising on a budget. Backlink solutions are perfect for sites that have a high PR (Page Rank) and put in place for a characteristic quality content. When SEO backlinks are posted or created on a particular site, they support the lead for a specific site that you want to promote.

Now, there are several ways for internet marketing get the backlinks and benefit from. This includes news releases, presentations directory and article, social networking, and good old fashioned assignment blog.

How the relevant backlinks in search engine rankings?

To better understand the functioning of the backlinks, you can consider rankings of search engine like an election. Quality backlinks are the number of votes that has your Web site. If you want your site Web to reach a page more high ranking in the search engines such as Google, you will need building back links in large number. Backlink solutions are a way to attract the attention of the search engines and from the back more links pointing to your website more chance of your landing site on the top of the search engine SEPRs (search engine Page results).

Now that we have an idea on the functioning of the SEO backlinks, its importance is undeniable effect and a real need for web marketing. The existence of providers of services leveraging on this need and by selling links are a strong evidence of that. Choose service providers get the backlinks can be a viable approach in effect even though it may cost you and is perceived as very risky because the search engines such as Google are keeping a close eye on backlinks service providers. One wrong move on their part could jeopardize the reputation of your website. It therefore in your interest to opt for proven and reliable service for your backlinks that SEO needs providers.

Although you can choose to buy backlinks, because of the risk it would be better to focus on the creation of your own quality backlinks by focusing on the publication of great and useful content. Creation of high quality content that is relevant to your niche is crucial for captivating the attention of your market target. After all, you can if expect online users click on your links if you publish content irrelevant or uninteresting. It's essentially how hundreds of successful internet marketers create web traffic with blogs. Creation of blog posts to build some backlinks embedded in high-quality and engaging content can greatly benefit from your Web site and help to reach a PR higher in the major search engines.

For more information about one way links and the construction of the quality backlinks, visit

Boost The Traffic To Your Website By Buying Backlinks

While a website can play a vital role in expanding your business, it does not however mean it will help you garner huge profits the moment it is created. But, in fact, you need to launch an active campaign to make it one of the top ranking sites on the search engines, since this is something that will actually help you drive traffic and eventually earn profits. Now, one of the most effective methods for pulling traffic in hordes to your site is by buying backlinks.

Backlinks, which are commonly referred to as inbound links, are basically links of your site that are posted on other sites, in order to leverage the traffic as well as to let the search engines know how popular your site is. The phenomenon of search engines is that the more the number of backlinks a site has, the more popular it is. Nevertheless, the search engines are pretty smart, and you need to buy or create backlinks wisely rather than just posting your links on almost any and every site on the web, which in fact can get your site banned even. So, it is important to use white hat techniques to buy backlinks.

Among the various methods to get backlinks, one of the best and efficacious one is writing article and their submission to the online article directories. All you need to do is just write informative articles with appropriate keyword usage and give the link of your site in the resource box; we bet it will earn you powerful banklinks; you just need to wait and watch. Other than this, blog and forum commenting is also becoming a very popular method of creating backlinks. You should start paying visits to forums and blogs that somehow are relevant to your site and give useful comments, along with posting the link of your site as well. But, please ensure posting useful comments rather than just saying "good job" or "nicely written" etc.

Moreover, you should make use of social bookmarking sites to create effective backlinks for your site. You can find innumerable bookmarking sites and after choosing a good site, just bookmark your pages. Plus, you can maintain blogs or take advantage of guest blogging to create good backlinks. Furthermore, you should submit your site to the major web directories like the Yahoo and DMOZ directories, as these directories will help you buy unprecedented backlinks, which will help you in pulling traffic to your site. However, no matter what method you use to create backlinks, you need to be patient since it will take months before you witness remarkable improvement in web traffic, for which you are actually creating backlinks.

Are you looking for the best Search Engine Optimization Services? Benefit from my unique experience and get affordable SEO Services from someone who always delivers first page rankings on Google!

Use to increase your links tremendously

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wat te doen als je website is gezakt in Google

Als je aan SEO doet en een aantal link strategieën volgd, zijn de kansen groot dat je een Google penalty oploopt en dat je website verdwijnt in de Google kelder, meestal als je zo een penalty oploopt zakt je positie met zo’n 50 plaatsen.

gezakt in google

Het is niet leuk als je je linkbuilding inspanning in rook ziet opgaan, maar je zit nu in de permanente sandbox van Google, en al uw belangrijke pagina’s (homepage, geldpagina’s) zijn plotseling in rook opgegaan in de zoeksresultaten, en wat vervelend is, er is geen manier om je positie terug te winnen…. Tot nu toe!

Wanneer je heel wat tijd en inspanning besteed hebt aan een website en u plotseling in de kelder van Google wordt geworpen, kan het zeer ontmoedigend zijn. Al je tijd is verloren en je ziet je inkomsten drastisch verminderen. Maar eigenlijk ben ik Google dankbaar omdat webmasters die „linkspammers zijn,“ straft die proberen om Google kunstmatig te manipuleren door links overal te plaatsen.

Gebruik jij automatische linkbuilding tools om op het internet te spammen. Hier onder staan een paar van de popuairste tools waar je mee links kan bouwen op automatische piloot:

En dan zijn er nog de blognetwerken waar je een artikel kan posten met je backlinks in het artikel zelf, en deze worden dan over het hele internet verspreid ook volledig automatisch.Zo zijn er de populaire blognetwerken:SEO Linkvine en Rapid free traffic

Stop direct met alle linkbuilding naar je bestrafte website.Verander alle Titels van je pagina’s. bijvoorbeeld, in plaats van de titel „Overzicht van Dieet producten“ noemt het dan „Dieet Produkten – Een overzicht “.Verander je Meta tags.Verander de discription.Verander je Profielnaam of nicknaam onder de rubriek “users”, doe dit ook voor  al je artikellinks naar je website.Verander uw Footer tekst (Voorbeeld, in plaats van „Copyright 2010 Dieet producten“ veranderen in bijvoorbeeld „Copyright 2010 Natuurlijke Dieet Producten.“Verander de tekst tussen de


tags op je pagina’sVerander je alt tags in je afbeeldingenBelangrijk – verander elke slug url van je postings en pagina’s (dit is gemakkelijk te doen met wordpress met de „Quick Edit“ tool)Wanneer je veranderingen 1-9 hebt aangebracht, begin nu terug met natuurlijke backlinking.Wanneer je veranderingen 1-9 hebt aangebracht, blijf nieuwe inhoud aan je website toevoegen minstens 1 tot 2 nieuwe postings per week.Herbouw je Sitemap met alle nieuwe veranderingen – als je een wordpress blog hebt, dan is dit gemakkelijk gedaan door naar Settings/XML Sitemap te gaan, en op Building Sitemap te klikken.Resubmit je sitemap terug op Google Webmaster Tools.

Als je na al deze stappen je website toch niet opduikt in de zoekresultaten van Google, vraag dan een verzoek aan Google om je website opnieuw te indexeren en zo uw plaats in de zoekresultaten te herwinnen. Vertel hen wat je veranderd hebt aan je website en de stappen die u hebt ondernomen.

Terwijl het waar is dat Google uw IP kent, zal deze methode terug vertrouwen kweken bij Google, je website zal terug zijn oude positie  innemen in de zoekresultaten en je uit de Google kelder halen.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Words of profile in 2011 Backlinks

Profile backlinks are an important part of my arsenal of backlinking. As you probably already know, backlinks are next to the appropriate key word research, factor essential to the success of any project of marketing SEO or internet.

There are many methods, theories and case studies more or less reliable on how to create and manage your backlinking for a campaign and SEO. Profile backlinks, which, in passing, are not strictly limited to the forum only, platforms become popular back in 2009, when there were famous Paul & Angela backlinking service under discussion to any IM or SEO forum, that you can imagine. The guys were selling packets of way too expensive on a monthly founded, with links to forums where customers could create profiles and file a link. They did successfully.

And, in fact, the backlinks of forums worked very well in 2009 and 2010. The main factor is certainly the IP/domain diversity that you have in your backlink portfolio.

Recently, several experts and wannabe-experts debate on Google devalue the inbound links of profile signatures and profiles. While supporters argue that Google is not able to, as that first you would also cut the legitimate links and secondly, SEO could blast their competitors to obtain the de-indexed, opponents tend to say that negative SERP movements were observed in the recent past for Web sites that is classified primarily with profile backlinks.

If this is true or not, I can not comment. What I can say is, that I still rank pages, which have profiles in their backlink portfolio. But as ever to limit any SEO campaign to a single method and the type of links, I can't speak for profile only strategies. I strongly advise to keep an eye on diversity, not only for the domain and the diversity of intellectual property, but also in the concerns of your methods and the efforts that put you in a project. Never put your eggs in only one basket is a good old saying. This is true for SEO as well.

Another point, that you cannot ignore just when talking about profile backlinks is the rate of indexation. As a matter of fact, the links that are not indexed by Google are as non-existing links. Another fact, nobody can deny, is that obtaining and keeping profiles indexed becomes increasingly more difficult. Google catching up on this, and it is for good reason. Why would keep a page in an index that takes essentially no information next to a user name and a lot of links? But there are a few things you can do to maintain an acceptable indexing for your profile.

First of all, build backlinks of your backlinks. This is true in General and for any type of backlinks. A practical, quick and easy solution is blast your profiles with blog comments, for example by using a tool like of Scrapebox. In addition, build your links over time. Just save 3000 profiles, put your links in them and leave them. You are wasting your time. Better is to register for 100 profiles, maintain the sections profiles typically have on me and the other, then come back a week later and lay your link y. You would be surprised on the rate of success much better. Last but not least, connect to your profiles regularly. This will make your profile appear on the main page of the forum ("currently connected users" or similar), where it will get more exposed to search engines. I hope you know that it is favourable.

I am involved in the internet marketing and SEO since early 2009. I run several websites and maintain rankings of search engine for myself as well as for a couple of customers. If you are interested in my profile backlinks service, visit my website link - push .com

Use to increase your links tremendously

Sunday, December 25, 2011

SEO Backlinks - key to make money online

A topic of enormous books have been written about SEO is built on careers. What I aim to do is to provide a few often overlooked SEO backlinks keys easily help you to increase your website search engine rankings.

SEO has either takes place on site or off site. By definition, SEO backlinks occur off site and always provide guidance to your Web site. I do only this distinction to provide clarity around the goal to construct a robust back-link structure.

One of the back-link tactics simpler and often ignored, yet very effective is to place a simple ad for your website on Craigslist. Perhaps that you expect a backlinks SEO approach complex, but I say unto you, place a simple Craigslist advertising once a month to work!

Social bookmarking is now a tactic quite well known to build back links to your site. You can use if you want to share your bookmark with up to 19 both popular bookmarking sites. The key social bookmarking is to only share your best article, post or Web page, once a month or more. Do too much it will be seen by search engines and can reduce the effectiveness of these back links.

Visit the relevant blogs and make comments useful, relevant, once a month or more. Make sure that you have at least a relevant blog for each extension: .com, .info, .net, .org, .gov and .edu. Keep and make sure that you leave your website address in your comment real natural and relevant. Particular attention to the blogs .edu and .gov as they have more weight with the search engines. Also and this is important, because research are good to identify patterns, edit the page of the website or post leave you in the blog comment. Avoid leaving the same exact web address on every blog you visit. Finally the search engines will be pick up on this.

Use YouTube for a link to your Web site. Recently, Google updated their search engine algorithm and placed more weight on the use of the video. This makes sense when you factor that Google owns You Tube. You Tube, of course, is not the only video directory online, but it is by far the largest. Other videos to also use directories include Viddler, Vimeo and Daily Motion. Unlike the marketing of the article, there is almost no rules with video, other than the Dungeon of cleanliness. This allows a lot of creativity. You can have a second 15 video that simply places a short, sweet and cleaver hopefully add to your Web site. Your 15-second video could link to a different video advertising for your Web site on one of the other video directories. You could even build a video link wheel, which although is not allowed with articles, is allowed with videos. You can also easily back-link this same video wire to The possibilities are limitless with video and Google sites mentioned high ranking in the search algorithm.

We hope that this fast fly by SEO backlinks has helped to stimulate your creativity and facilitate your efforts that you build a large treasure trove of high value back-links increase you traffic and Web site rankings.

Effective SEO is not difficult, but should not be some patience and perseverance. I have additional useful SEO tools with links for your reference on my website. Tools for SEO, click here.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Reklama Google

Velmi hledaným výrazem ve fulltextových vyhledávacích je fráze reklama Google. Lidé jsou si vedomi, že reklama ve vyhledávaci Google jim muže neco prinést. Koneckoncu Google patrí spolecne s vyhledávacem Seznam mezi dva nejpoužívanejší vyhledávace v Ceské republice. Seznam ješte nedávno zaujímal první místo, Google byl v tesném závesu za ním a pak nebylo dlouho nic. Jedná se o svetovou anomálii, snad s výjimkou jedné dvou dalších zemí je Google jednickou na trhu.

Pod frází reklama Google si lze predstavit tri možnosti, na které se lze zamerit:

Fulltextové vyhledávání.PPC inzerce AdWords.Pronájem reklamní plochy na vašem webu AdSense.

Prosadit se ve fulltextovém vyhledávání je beh na dlouhou trat. Rádove na týdny nebo mesíce. O tom na jaké pozici se vaše webové stránky objeví rozhoduje rada faktoru. Jak kvalitne byly vaše stránky navrženy, jestli jejich tvorbe predcházela analýza klícových slov a konkurence, kolik zpetných odkazu na ne vede, jak hodnotné tyto odkazy jsou atd. Tato reklama Google je zdarma.

Prosadit se v PPC inzerátech je daleko snažší než ve fulltextovém vyhledávání. Vaše inzerce se muže zacít zobrazovat na predních pozicích de facto okamžite. Nevýhodou je, že za vaše inzeráty platíte. Stejne jako u jiných PPC systému (napríklad Skliku na Seznamu), i zde se platí až za samotný proklik, nikoliv zobrazení inzerátu. Cena za proklik se pohybuje rádove v korunách. PPC inzerce opatrí mezi nejefektivnejší formy reklamy na internetu. Jedná se o jednu z hlavních typu reklam, do kterých byste se meli na internetu pustit. V každém prípade doporucujeme zacít nejprve Sklikem na Seznamu, který funguje obdobne a nejspíš vám prinese více ovoce. Pokud tedy cílíte na Ceskou republiku.

Reklama Google AdSense vám zajistí príjmy z provozu vašeho webu. Predstavte si, že provozujete web zamerený na pestování kvetin. Na své stránce si vycleníte místo na reklamy AdSense. Vytvoríte si úcet na Google a nastavíte si jaké reklamy chcete na vašem webu zobrazovat. Mžete si napríklad nadefinovat, že máte zájem pouze o reklamy týkající se kvetinácu. Tématické reklamy nikoho neurazí. Za reklamy budete dostávat provize. Váš web vám bude vydelávat.

View the original article here

Friday, December 23, 2011

How To Get High PR And Contextual Backlinks

Backlinks are important for any website. Everyone engaged in an online business needs backlinks. However, even more important is being able to get contextual backlinks. These links are highly valued because of their key phrases that are content rich. Search engines rank your webpage or blog on the basis of these keywords, content and the frequency of visit by users. Therefore, getting high PR and contextual backlinks is what you require for making your website popular and known to people. Blogging and article marketing are some of the common ways of getting contextual backlinks.

The advantage of having blogs is that you are free to post your backlinks for people to see without having to ask for permission or being blocked as a spammer. Similarly, there are several websites offering people the chance to upload their articles for free. In such cases, at the end of every article, you can post your backlink so more people can check out your website creating useful traffic beneficial for your website.

However, when uploading articles or writing blogs in these websites, you must ensure that all of what you write has quality content in them which can impress people. Only then will they be interested to visit again and to your website. Poor content articles will not get you long way in spite of all your efforts. Try to write longer articles so it can hold a larger number of keywords and more likely to be found in the search results produced by search engines. Writing unique content articles is even better.

Once done, you have to proceed with article marketing. The process is similar to article or blog posting. However, public article directories are subject to moderation and therefore require more finesse and better quality articles.

When registering or creating an account for article/blog posting on free websites, you must try to make a note of the PR of each of these websites. High PR websites are more valued for posting contextual backlinks as they are more frequently visited by people. Contextual backlinks are placed on the top of an article on a page and hence are considered more powerful than regular backlinks at the bottom of an article. Having quality blogs helps you create a better network with other high PR blogs and contextual links are more valued. Making too many blogs on newer networks that have lower PR won't be very beneficial.

Creating high PR and contextual backlinks are done by many SEO companies. Creating backlinks is a tedious and time consuming task. SEO companies offer these services in various packages. They make use of professionals so you can be ensured of greater success. You can also avail of websites where you have to pay for uploading your articles and posting contextual backlinks. These require an initial investment and unless you are sure that it will work or you have the means, it is better to start off with the websites offering these for free.

Visit for high pr backlinks and contextual backlinks.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

SEO Trends in 2011?

Nu in 2010 het eind nadert, zien wij met zijn allen 2011 optimistisch tegenmoet . In de wereld van de SEO, hebben wij geen belangrijke veranderingen dit jaar ondervonden, natuurlijk ben ik  nieuwsgierig  wat de toekomst voor 2011 inhoud. In dit artikel  zal ik met je enkele Seo trends delen waar je je volgend jaar op kan focussen.

Sociale media Optimalisering is de nieuwste incarnatie in het SEO gebeuren. Website’s als reddit, stumbleupon en het nederlandse ekudos kennen nog steeds een enorme groei. Als je intensief met Seo bezig bent en je vergeet je site te optimaliseren en te promoten via deze social media kanalen dan laat je een enorme kans liggen. Het is zeer eenvoudig te doen als je bijvoorbeeld een blog bezit dan zijn er verschillende  social media plugins te verkrijgen om net als op deze blog onder elke posting diverse icoontjes te krijgen waardoor de lezer heel simpel jou artikel op de verschillende social media website’s kan doorplaatsen, en natuurlijk kan je zo zelf  ook je eigen posts zo promoten. Google en de andere grote zoekmachines hechten enorme waarde aan deze vorm van  backlinks en het zal je Seo strategie een enorme boost geven.

Er zijn sommige webmasters die zich meer met de off-page optimimalisatie van hun website bezig houden, eerder dan met de on-page optimalisering. Maar in 2011, zou je met beide  bezig moeten  zijn, en de aandacht van de  on-page optimalisering niet laten verwateren. Een belangrijke factor is de Laadtijd van je website. Google, die altijd bezig is om hun zoekmotor te verbeteren heeft beslist de website’s te straffen die een langere ladingstijd hebben. Ook zal het verkeerde  gebruik van Metatags in je websitecode  zal een negatief effect opleveren in de rankings van de belangrijkste zoekmachine’s.

Smartphones zijn alomtegenwoordig, In totaal werden wereldwijd in 2010 ruim 90 miljoen smartphones verkocht. Deze Smartphones zijn allemaal voorzien van internet toegang en laten het belang van mobiel internet verder toenemen. Deze tendens gaat zeker in 2011 nog groeien. Dus je website aanpassen en optimaliseren voor mobiele gebruik  is zeker een must. Het probleem dat zich nu nog steld is dat er momenteel een heleboel verschillende smartphone’s en browsers op de markt zijn, En je kan moeilijk je website voor al deze smartphone’s en browsers testen. Al deze ontwikkelingen zijn momenteel ook nog sterk aan het evolueren. Het eenvoudigste wat je nu kan doen is daarom zoveel mogelijk de huidige webstandaarden volgen bij het aanpassen van je mobiele websites. Een mogelijkheid ook is een alternatieve website maken gericht op de  smartphone, het design van een alternatieve mobiele website hou je best zo simpel mogelijk.

Video’s zijn onmisbaar in je Seo strategie. Website’s als YouTube een van de de populairste video website  op het Web vandaag en nu al groter als Yahoo als zoekmachine in de V.S. Je kan een videosite als YouTube gebruiken voor een bepaald keyword wanneer je zelf een video uploadt. Zorg steeds dat je  video’s steeds van een duidelijk omschrijvend keyword voorzien is,  juist zoals u een keyword voor een artikel optimaliseert, moet je ook de titel van een video optimaliseren voor je keyword. Om je video nog beter vindbaar te maken, moet je in de omschrijving duidelijk en specifiek zijn. Gebruik dus in je videobeschrijving dus zorgvuldig keywords waarop u gevonden wilt worden, En natuurlijk begin je in je omschrijving met de volledige url naar je website voor meer informatie.

Één van de belangrijke tendensen in de online zoekseigenschappen is het gepersonaliseerde zoeken, en deze tendens zal in 2011 nog opmerkelijker zijn. Google, de grootste zoekmachine heeft van het gepersonaliseerd zoeken een standaardoptie gemaakt. De gepersonaliseerde zoeksresultaten zijn gebaseerd op de gebruiker zijn surfgewoontes en eerdere zoekopdrachten.  Dit is nu ook is niet meer voorbehouden aan zoekers met een Google Account, maar geldt sinds kort voor iedereen! Dus meer dan waarschijnlijk zal je minder bezoekers ontvangen met de zoekopdrachten in Google, of je moet een veel opgevraagde website bezitten.

Sinds het uitkomen van Google Maps heeft Google hard zijn best gedaan om zijn dienstverlening te verbeteren door het toevoegen van bedrijfgegevens in Google Maps. Hierdoor is het zelfs vandaag een geduchte tegenstander van de Gouden Gids geworden. Sinds 2010 geeftt Google eveneens de resultaten uit Google Maps aan zijn klassieke pagina’s weer. Wanneer je nu er voor kiest om geen gebruik te maken van de lokale zoekopdrachten van de optimalisatie van uw website, dan is dit een spijtige zaak. Er wordt vewacht dat de enige zoekresultaten die resultaten zijn die zijn aangepast aan persoonlijke zaken, zoals interesses, vorige zoekopdrachten en de locatie waar ze zich bevinden. Dit is een logische tendens want gebruikers van internet worden steeds afhankelijker van hun Smartphones, Ipads en pda’s. Alles wijst erop dat lokale zoekopdrachten in 2011 een nog belangrijkere rol gaan spelen en dus is het tijd om daarop in te spelen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Zijn .edu backlinks Belangrijk voor je websitepromotie

.edu backlinks

edu backlinks, je kan je afvragen waarom ze belangrijk zij voor je website, de reden is vrij eenvoudig: Je website of Blog vertrouwen geven. Je moet het zo zien, andere sites die met uw blog backlinken worden beschouwd “als vrienden” van je blog. Een website die een grote invloed heeft ( en .gov websites) krijgt door Google een groter vertrouwen dan minder invloedrijke websites (websites met een lagere pagerank) en zo steekt een goede backlinkcampagne in mekaar. Wil je kwaliteit en vertrouwen in je backlinkcampagne dan zijn .edu backlinks het middel om je website vertrouwen te geven en hoger te scoren in Google.

.edu backlinks zijn nu eenmaal de  heilige graal van alle backlinks. Google legt extra de nadruk op .edu backlinks dat je met een enkele .edu backlink de plaats van uw website in de Google Ranking al aanzienlijk kan verbeteren. Als je nu bijvoorbeeld vijf  .edu backlinks kan versieren , zal je een enorme sprong voorwaarts maken in de SERP’S en dit binnen de 72 uur. Nu, is er over dit onderwerp al meer geschreven en gedebatteerd dat Google geen extra gewicht zou geven aan  .edu backlinks, maar zo heeft Google baas Matt Cutts al vaker getipt op diverse SEO conferenties dat  .edu backlinks extra vertrouwen geven aan je website of blog.

1)   Je kan er voor betalen, maar voor een paar dofollow .edu backlinks betaal je al snel tussen de 50 en de 100 €.

2)  Je kan kijken bij de concurentie welke backlinks ze laten linken naar hun website.

3)  Even Googlen kan je ook vooruit helpen, er zijn verschillende zoek codes om .edu backlinks te vinden.

4) Je inschrijven op een .edu forum, en je handtekening laten verwijzen naar je site.

5) Je inschrijven op mijn nieuwsbrief, en je krijgt alle manieren om aan .edu backlinks te geraken gratis

Met Edu backlinks is het bewezen dat je er betere zoekresultaten mee kan verkrijgen. Deze backlinks worden bekeken door Google als hoogst belangrijk met het meeste gezag. Deze backlinks zijn waardevol voor de search engines omdat zij van onderwijsinstellingen (zoals prestigieuze scholen) komen en deze instellingen hebben een zeer grote reputatie. Een ander te overwegen zaak is dat u geen .edu domeinnaam zelf kunt kopen omdat zij slechts aan onderwijsorganisaties worden toegewezen.

Wil je gebruik maken van deze waardevolle backlinks schrijf je in op mijn nieuwsbrief en je krijgt alle manieren gratis om .edu websites te vinden waar je een backlink kunt achterlaten

Google legt extra de nadruk backlinks dat je met een enkele .edu backlink de plaats van uw website in de Google Ranking aanzienlijk kan verbeteren. Als je nu bijvoorbeeld vijf .edu backlinks kan versieren , zal je een enorme sprong voorwaarts maken in de SERP’S en dit binnen de 72 uur. Nu, is er over dit onderwerp al meer geschreven en gedebatteerd dat Google geen extra gewicht geeft aan .edu backlinks, maar zo heeft Google baas Matt Cutts al vaker getipt op diverse SEO conferenties dat .edu backlinks extra vertrouwen geven aan je website of blog.


Dryácnictví jsou nabubrelá, prehnaná tvrzení.

V reklamách casto mužete slyšet, že je neco nejskvelejší, jedinecné nebo úžasné. Pokud lze predpokládat, že prumerný spotrebitel nebude vnímat tato tvrzení tak, že firma daný užitek garantuje, nejde o klamavou reklamu.

View the original article here

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Getting The Maximum SEO Benefit From Your Backlinks

As you probably already know, off-page SEO techniques are extremely important to ensure that a website ranks highly in the major search engines, particularly for a competitive keyword or keyphrase.

One of the main goals of off-page SEO is to generate high-quality one-way links to your site (backlinks) from relevant websites and ideally sites that have a high PageRank (PR). Before you invest hours in creating backlinks to your sites consider the following points to really ensure that you get the maximum benefit from your backlinks:

1) Relevance - it is very important that you try to spend your time creating backlinks from relevant sites. This basically means that if your site sells computers for example then you would benefit immensely from links pointing to your site from other computer-related sites (e.g. hardware, software or PC review sites etc).

2) PageRank - One link from a site with a high PR is much more beneficial than numerous links from PR0 & PR1 sites. It is usually more difficult to obtain links from high-PR sites however you will find that the extra effort you may need to invest will result in significant SEO benefits to your site.

3) Anchor Text - The anchor text of the backlinks is the key to ensuring that you gain maximum SEO benefit from that link. Ideally each individual page on your site should already be optimised for a specific keyword and any backlink pointing to that particular page should contain this exact keyword as the anchor text. The anchor text is paramount because it tells the search engine what your page is about (i.e. your keyword) and this will improve your search engine position for that keyword.

4) Deep Linking - Deep linking refers to links that point to pages of your website other than the homepage. It is very common that people concentrate all of their efforts on creating links to their main page and neglect to deep-link to other pages on the site. It is strongly advisable to invest some of your time deep-linking because this effectively tells the search engines that you have a high-quality site with a number of relevant pages.

You will also benefit from increasing the PageRank of your internal pages which in turn will also strengthen the ranking of your homepage.

5) Create Links Naturally - Create links on a regular basis rather than in intensive batches and remember to never buy links from any source (this will result in sever penalties from most of the major search engines).

Whilst creating quality backlinks is not always an easy process for everyone, by keeping the above points in mind you will give yourself the best chance to gain maximum SEO benefits and hopefully see an increase in your site's search engine ranking.

David Hughes works as an SEO consultant for Website Design Watford and specialises in Search Engine Optimisation for small businesses.

Monday, December 19, 2011

One Way Backlinks: Grow Your PR and Bring More Traffic to Your Website

Getting backlinks is very important for your website's SEO. It helps you grow your Page Rank (PR), and get more traffic through natural searches.

Remember that any link that points to your site, can bring you visitors, so it's very important to have lots of links from other websites, link to yours.

Another reason why links are important is because, search engines use them to rank your page higher and bring you more visitors through natural searches.

So now, I'm going to talk about one way backlinks and the importance of getting them to bring more traffic to your website and grow your PR.

One way backlinks consist on having one website link to your website. That's it. They are not reciprocal backlinks. Only one site links to the other. And remember that backlinks are important for SEO? Well, search engines give more value to one way backlinks. They understand that if one website is linking to another, it's because they see value in it, so search engines see this too.

One way backlinks are hard to get, but you can get some of them by providing good content to your readers. Some of them will find your content valuable and will link to your site to share the information with others readers or customers. As you can guess, it's easier to get one way backlinks on blogs because they give more information to the readers and customers.

Now let's not forget about traffic and PR. They are both extremely important. If a site is linking to your site, you will get a portion of its PR and some of its traffic.

So let's say that a site with PR 5 links to yours. PR 5 means that that site gets a good amount of traffic though natural search. So you can expect a good portion of the traffic from that site, to jump to yours.

You will also get a portion of that site's PR, but it depends on how many links it has to other websites. Here is an example:

A network marketing blog has a PR 5 in its homepage, and has 10 links pointing to other network marketing sites. The PR is distributed among all 10 links, giving them a value of 0.5 to each link. This PR value will be added to the other network marketing sites, because it's a one way link. Therefore, if there is a network marketing site that has PR 2, linking only to your site, your site will increase 2 in PR.

Knowing this will help you get more quality backlinks, such as reciprocal links, three way links, four way links, etc. But don't worry, I'll talk about these types of links some other time.

But now, you can see the importance of link building for your network marketing site's SEO. More traffic can become more sales. But just as I mentioned before, one way backlinks are hard to get. So always make sure to:

Write original content that gives your readers quality information.
Write content that solves your readers/customers problems.
Do NOT post duplicate content. Search engines don't like it.
Try to be consistent when posting content on your blog.

I will be talking more about link building on future posts, such as reciprocal links, three way links, four way links, etc.

Remember that link building is essential to growing your sites. Your blog can grow much more faster if you know how to apply these link building strategies to it. You can learn all of this with The Ultimate WordPress Guide.

Melissa Dominguez is a professional network marketing coach that teaches other network marketers how to grow their business using attraction marketing, social marketing, SEO, list building strategies, blogging strategies, copywriting skills and more.

Did you know that 70-80% of your page rank is determined by the backlinks pointing to your site? If you want to increase your traffic, you need to learn how to get free backlinks.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Beware of SEO Backlink bait and switch

I confess that I am no brain surgeon, so do not be surprised that it took me so long to know that I've played for a sucker by the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts online. For years I have responded to their requests for link sharing with this or that particular company by installing conscientiously the link called on my links .html page and to send them a link to be pasted to the page-condition-for-same receptor site. I never bothered to verify if it is actually done as described in the original email to the applicant. More fool I!

Because you know what, gentle reader, it was very certainly not as advertised. This which finally resulted in this Epiphany on my part were some recent requests ostensibly by Web sites in my sector of activity with page rankings the equal or superior to my own. Fortunately, I have installed their URL on my page and sent the sites SEO requesting a link of my own. Then I am happily seated at the rear and hoped to see my page rank to climb.

I was surprised or disappointed when nothing happened because I am in a very competitive industry and page rank is important, it is in no way determinative. Still, I was curious to see what looked like and picked up my newly installed so-called links. Guess what?

You guessed it! They did not exist. Or, at least I could not find them. Therefore, please always believe the best of people, e-mail the two SEO sites that had requested the links and asked them to please point out where it could find my links. Several days passed before that I have essentially the same repeated message of the two sites: they were sorry, it took so long to get back to me and if I give them my link again once they would install on their SEO Web site.

Of course! Then it struck me. They never had the intention to move my link on the page of resources of the Web site of the reception! Whether true or not, there is a belief on the web that Google counts-off for both shared and outgoing links. By failing to provide me with a backlink, they had improved page rank customers against mine - at least that was their belief! Questioned as to the location of my promised backlinks, they rather graciously agreed to put my link on their page of resources on the Web SEO site. While I can't claim any special preview of the spirit of "The Great God Google" me is very difficult to believe that a link from a SEO site has positive weight and authority of a link to a site in my own industry. My research tends to indicate the result quite contrary! I e-mail people back and detailed SEO of my suspicions. They did not sentence answer.

I do not say that any specialist of referencing are guilty of this kind of deception. But I will suggest you, my readers, who may now be a good time to take a look all these sites that you have been fertilization. I hope that what happened to me was just an aberration.

Mike Nardine is the owner of CheapMikesDomains where you get the good areas markets and affordable and reliable hosting with attention, friendly and individualized and free advice. Give us a test. You'll never that a number of cheap Mike!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Backlink Booster

Search engine optimization, backlinking, ad posting, article writing, or social media are just some of the terms you need to know if you want your online business to truly make it on the Internet. You don't have to really be an expert, but you can't afford to be ignorant either. You need to look into all of your options and identify the best solutions that can boost your traffic and increase your income. Backlinking is a great solution as it is highly important in the world of SEO. Just a reminder: "backlinking" refers to creating links from other websites to your own sites, and it is an easy process that should not take you more than a couple of minutes if we are talking about a small-scale business. If, on the other hand, you want to truly develop your websites, you will need to use thousands of backlinks, and things can become a little tricky.

However, all backlinks are great at sending search engine spiders over to your websites whenever they notice your link on a different website. So, instead of you entering the link on your own, this is a much-preferred alternative which is going to significantly increase your indexation rate and your page rank helping you earn more money.

This is when Backlink Booster comes into the picture. Backlink Booster is a program that can help you increase your website ranking with Yahoo, Google, or Bing thus increasing your visibility out there. Additionally, Backlink Booster has a great inner mechanism that enables it to explore your every backlink to the maximum and provide you with an impressive number of valuable links. Moreover, with the click of a button you will be able to use your Backlink Booster and create hundreds of power links or high PR automatically. All the SEO techniques are highly advanced and fully automated so you should be able to save hundreds of hours of work and still get the traffic, visibility, exposure, and sales you are looking for.

Backlink Bulder is another example of software that is able to seemingly increase your website's page rank and drive many more visitors to your website to completely boost your rankings in all the important search engines. Backlink Builder is able to create your great profiles on thousands of different forums and add permanent links to your website on each of these new profiles. The great part about these links is the fact that they will never be removed so you can enjoy their benefits for a really long time.

Use to increase your links tremendously

Friday, December 16, 2011


Kreativita (tvurcní schopnost) lze definovat jako neco, co se odchyluje od normy. Co je kreativní se liší od zažitého.

Být odlišný v reklame nestací. Reklama musí v prvé rade prodávat. Mužeme se tedy setkat s pojmem „produktivní odchylka“. Tato fráze vystihuje podstatu dobré reklamy asi nejlépe. Dobrá reklama by mela být odlišná a zároven prispívat k prosperite znacky. Odlišnost (kreativita), které znacce škodí, je k nicemu.

V 80. letech bylo napríklad normou využívat v reklame argumenty. Kupte si tento výrobek, protože je lepší, hezcí, vychytanejší. Když se poprvé objevila reklama využívající emoce, alegorie a humor, sklidila nebývalý úspech. V prípade kreativity se nemusí jednat pouze o konkrétní ztvárnení reklamy, ale i atypický vysílací cas, prostor nebo reklamní médium. Používá vaše konkurence naaranžované a zažité fotografie produtu? Vsadte na video, doplnte ho o hudbu, mluvené slovo a detailní predstavení produktu s jeho výhodami vzešlé z pruzkumu.

Existuje nekolik psychologických studií, které se snaží popsat podstatu kreativního myšlení. Setkat se mužeme s temito názory:

Bežné myšlení se odvíjí prímocare od jednoho predpokladu ke druhému. Kreativní myšlení se odvíjí nesouvisle, preskakuje od myšlenky k myšlence bez zrejmé vazby.Pri kreativním myšlení dává jednotlivec do vzájemného vztahu nesouvisející myšlenky.Bežné myšlení zahrnuje exaktní, analytické, logické a soustredené myšlení. Kreativní myšlení zahrnuje metaforické, paradoxní, dvojznacné a fantazijní mlcení.

Spolecným jmenovatel všech techto studií je tedy jakýsi zmatek v prípade kreativního zpusobu myšlení. Myšlenka neputuje od bodu A k bodu B jak by se dalo cekat, ale díky nejaké metafore, dvojsmyslu, paradoxu nebo fantazii se muže rozebehnout k bodu D, R nebo Z.

Každý tvurcí pracovník má nezamenitelný styl. Ten se muže hodit k urcitým produktum nebo situacím. Nekdo je vtipný, nekdo provokativní, další je v komunikaci smelý a neuctivý. Vetšina tvurcích pracovníku verí v sílu formy komunikace (tzv. realizace). To znamená preferují kreativní složku pred obsahem. Vetšina reklamních výzkumníku, manažeru zakázek a klientu sází naopak na obsah, tj. na jasne vyzdvižené výhody znacky vzešlé z pruzkumu.

Tyto dohady o vetší duležitost realizace nebo obsahu lze uzavrít tak, že základem úcinné reklamy by mel být kombinace obsahu vycházejícícho z pruzkumu a tvurcí realizace.

View the original article here

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tips on Successful Backlinks!

There are three considerations that you need to make in order to achieve Backlinks.

Firstly you should learn how to be effective in using automated services for your Backlinks. The second thing to consider is to do manually complete the link creating asks with the best sites only. Thirdly it would also be very beneficial if you decide which is more important for you ranking or linking? The article further down would discuss the consideration in detail.

It is important that you connect your website with other popular networks like Twitter so that they will get linked back to your domain. You can make all this possible by submitting your site to other websites and by creating profiles. Once you have crossed all the steps then you are ready get the benefit from automated building of link. These are highly recommended and would be very beneficial since the Backlinks would be with popular high ranked pages.

You need to focus on writing good articles and then posting them on various Web directories in order to promote your website. When people start reading your articles on those pages you would witness great results in a short span of time. You should learn which web directory responds much better relative to the rest to get good Backlinks.

You should analyze your requirements. You should know if you want to connect juice to your Backlinks or you want to just add sites in order to get better page rankings. Some people just stick to follow me Backlinks while others are interested in submitting their articles on highly ranked pages.

You need to get your strategy straight in order to get things going. Getting Backlinks and setting them properly can be critical things to do. But once you have learnt everything perfectly then it is really a big deal.

The most common problem that people face while going through the process is to find those websites who are enthusiastic and are willing to give you the Backlinks. You might be overlooking this problem and thinking too much when the solution is right by the corner. If you have got motile websites or blogs then you can easily do backlink submission with your other websites.

This is one of the great many SEO services that people often fail to look at. Folks you should give intense attention to set up Backlinks with the right websites and you would not believe the benefits that would keep on coming. The great tip is to make your website the best and then backlink it with other best websites related to your information and theme. If you get successful in doing this then you have gotten the secret recipe to success.

You've invested in your website now invest in what the real power of the net......backlinking.

Let us take the burden of creating links to your website so that you can be free to take care of your business.

Visit for your Link Building strategies.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to make effective Backlinking

In a Web site or a blog can be interesting and useful, however, without direct traffic so that the content, there is no hearing for the site. Backlinking is a proven and popular technique to increase online visibility. Build backlinks for quality is a critical step in the development of a Web site, making the site useful and, where appropriate, cost-effective.

What is a Backlink?

A backlink is simply a list of your URL address to another Web site, to yours. When you click it, it links to your content. Backlinking is another method of optimization and marketing pages for search engines, or SEO strategy.

Why should I Backlinks?

There are several reasons backlinking is an effective SEO strategy:

Backlinking can increase traffic to your Web site.

Links to your Web site are used in calculations that Google uses to assign PageRank.

Backlinks to improve your ranking in search engine results page.

An effective Marketing and SEO methods used in building Backlinks:

1 Link exchange

Link exchanges are born outside webrings. In its simplest form, it is a program allowing a site to provide a link to another site in exchange for a reciprocal backlink. While it can bring in targeted readers and increase the link popularity, it may distract visitors from the original site before they fully review the site hosting the link. It is important to only send your readers to sites that will be useful to them. Remember, resources or links should add value to your audience. It is also useful to minimize the number of outbound links of your Web site.

2. Presentation of the Yearbook

Directory submission may not increase direct traffic to your site in large numbers, but ensuring that your site appears in the directories increases PageRank. There are blog-specific directories and General directories. Looking at the PageRank of the directory can help identify those that are more advantageous. Avoid directories requiring reciprocal links. Multiple directories to be considered are:


4 Best




Directory of synergy

Pedsters planet

3. The Sites of News/development in social bookmark

Social sites such as digg, reddit and are not only good for generating of backlinks but also for the conduct of traffic to your blog as well. If your backlink is featured on the page of one of these social bookmarking sites, it can generate many secondary links. It is important to ensure that you submit quality content that corresponds to the nature of the Web site. Other Councils are:

Submitting each post that you write on a blog can get your account banned. Submit relevant links to natural intervals.

Develop the compelling titles and headlines and vary their if you submit to many bookmarking sites.

Ensure that your summary descriptions explain the purpose and the nature of the content. The abstract should be quality content, not simply a list of key words or a single statement.

4 Commenting on

Leave comments on blogs that focus on common subjects, it is a good way to enhance the awareness of your site or content. Leave interesting comments. If the plugin CommentLuv or Top commentators plugin is used on the site, they have the advantage of allowing a backlink and consolidate your comments. Often, you can generate a backlink to your site in the sidebar of another site. Although a temporary link, it still raises, led to the increase in traffic and stimulates the page rank. Frequently commenting on a site may encourage the owner of the site or your blog to create a backlink permanent to your content.

5 Write quality content

Nothing is more effective for generating backlinks and quality content. Quality content gets noticed, gets linked to and gets commented. Even with the best SEO strategy and backlinking, if your content is not able to be useful, readers do visit your site.

Bobby Freiler is a marketing contractor in series, and successful online teaching and education to duplicate its success.

You can enter your free copy of Bootcamp Marketing of Bobby videos and learn how to market online, become a lead generation expertise and really make money online on

To learn more about Bobby Freiler and backlinking, visit

Hodnocení webu H & H Pensiony Harrachov

H & H Pensiony Harrachov jsou dva malé pensiony nabízející ubytování ceským i zahranicním turistum. Majitel pensionu nás oslovil za úcelem hodnocení webu, který vznikl v roce 2002. Cílem webu je získat nové zákazníky a poskytnout jim maximum informací o ubytování. Web není marketingove podporován, majitel ve vetší míre neinvestuje do placené reklamy. Web si mužete prohlédnout na adrese

Obecne existují 3 možnosti jak mužou uživatelé vstoupit na webové stránky:

Zadáním domény do adresního rádku prohlížece. To ale znamená, že uživatelé už pension znají nebo videli doménu na vizitkách, billboardech apod.Proklikem z placené reklamy (napr. z banneru, PPC inzerátu, firemního zápisu nebo PR clánku).Proklikem z neplacené reklamy (zejména z full-textových vyhledávacu [Google, Seznam]).

Vzhledem k tomu, že majitel pensionu neinvestuje do placené reklamy, mel by se spolehnout zejména na dobré umístení stránek ve full-textových vyhledávacích (Google, Seznam). Za dobré se považuje umístení na první stránce výsledku vyhledávání, tj. do 10 pozice.

Podívali jsme se na to, jak si web stojí ve full-textových vyhledávacích na duležitá klícová slova:

H & H Pensiony Harrachov, pozice ve vyhledávacích

Web nelze najít na žádné z výše uvedených klícových slov, vetšinou se jedná o pozici na minimálne páté strane výsledku vyhledávání. Šance oslovit nové zákazníky je tedy mizivá.

Predem nutno podotknout, že web pochází z roku 2002, internetove receno z dob dob prehistorie. Technické zpracování je tedy poplatné dobe a je jen vecí majitele stránek prijmout fakt, že doba se mení a 9 let starý web moc muziky nenadelá. A protože vše souvisí se vším, tak i technické zpracování má samozrejme vliv na umístení webu ve vyhledávacích (viz predešlá kapitola).

Namátkou vybíráme tyto nedostatky:

Krom technického zpracování má velký vliv na umístení stránek ve vyhledávacích také pocet a kvalita zpetných odkazu. Podívali jsme se, jak si na tom web z hlediska zpetných odkazu stojí.

H & H Pensiony Harrachov, zpetné odkazy

Na web vede 183 externích odkazu z 82 domén. Jestli je to hodne nebo málo by vyplynulo až ze srovnání s konkurencí.

H & H Pensiony Harrachov, zpetné odkazy

Vetšina externích odkazu smeruje na Homepage. Text uzavrený v odkazech casto neobsahuje klícová slova. Ani jedna zpráva není dobrá.

Nikdo se evidentne nevenuje budování zpetných odkazu, web zaostává i v této oblasti.

Na internetu existuje rada katalogu, ve kterých lze získat placený nebo neplacený zápis. Mezi nejduležitejší katalogy patrí

H & H Pensiony Harrachov využívají neplacenou variantu zápisu na Ta sice nenabízí tolik možností jako placená verze, ale porád je to lepší neco než nic. Duležitou soucástí zápisu je popis (na obrázku zvýraznený cervene), který je nutné vhodne vyplnit (využít klícová slova). Bohužel i v tomto smeru marketingová podpora webu pokulhává.
H & H Pensiony Harrachov,

Pri našem hodnocení jsme vyšli z cíle webu, kterým je získání nových zákazníku. Namátkou jsme vybrali nekolik oblastí, které s tímto cílem souvisí. Mohli bysme se zamerit na radu dalších oblastí (informacní hodnota webu, využití sociálních sítí, diskusní fóra, merení efektivity, …), ale jednak by to bylo na dlouhé povídání, a jednak by to nemelo smysl.

Naše resumé zní, že 9 let starý web muže sloužit jako muzejní kousek, nikoliv jako efektivní marketingový nástroj. O to víc v situaci, kdy není podporovaný žádným jiným komunikacním kanálem.

Vzhledem k tomu, že zimní sezóna je v plném proudu, doporucujeme web podporit napr. PPC inzercí (Sklik, AdWords). Tyto kampane mohou bežet okamžite a mohou tak prispet k získání nových zákazníku ješte letos. Rychlé a efektivní muže být i využití sociálních sítí, zejména Facebooku.

Z dlouhodobého hlediska je vhodné web co nejdríve prepracovat v souladu s moderními trendy. Duležité je nepodcenit výber agentury, které se redesign sverí. Ne každá agentura doopravdy rozumí tomu, co za doprovodu fanfár nabízí a slibuje.

Návrh redesignu musí vycházet z peclivých analýz (Best Practices, Analýza klícových slov, wireframes), ze kterých vzejde struktura a obsah webu. Pouze tento postup je predpokladem pro dobré umístení stránek ve vyhledávacích a s tím související naplnení cílu na web kladených.

Po spuštení nového webu se nesmí zapomínat na prubežné budování zpetných odkazu, pravidelné vyhodnocování návštevnosti webu, efektivity kampaní apod. Zajímavou možností jak za málo penez dosáhnout hodne muziky je barterová smena s obchodními partnery nebo jiné guerilla techniky.

View the original article here

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hoe kan je dofollow backlinks vinden?

Hoe kan je dofollow backlinks vinden? | Website Promotie Website Promotie Meer bezoekers op je websiteHomeNiche vindenDe juiste keywords kiezenDomeinnaamWordPressInstallerenWordPress Themes InstallerenWebsite Promotiesocial bookmarks « Wat te doen als je website is gezakt in GoogleSEO Trends in 2011? » Hoe kan je dofollow backlinks vinden?December 5th, 2010 | Author: admin Waarom zou je dofollow backlinks moeten vinden?

Wist je dat de meerderheid van backlinks  die je plaatst nofollow zijn? Met andere woorden, zij zullen weinig waarde hebben wanneer het gaat over het verbeteren van uw positie in Google. Dus voor dat je een link plaatst op een website of blog is het interessant om te weten of een link naar je website dofollow of nofollow zal zijn.

De eenvoudigste manier om te weten of een blog de nofollow attribuut heeft is te gaan kijken in de paginabron, je vindt dit in je browser onder beeld of in Firefox gewoon ctrl+u drukken. Als je de bronpagina bekijkt en je ziet volgende code staan:Mijn website Dan weet je dat de betreffende website nofollow is.Is de website dofollow dan zal je de volgende code zien staan:“ >Mijn website.

Let op: een link plaatsen op een nofollow website kan helemaal geen kwaad het is zelfs aan te raden om je linkbuilding campagne er zo natuurlijk mogelijk te laten uitzien in de ogen van Google.

dofollow backlinks

Hoe gebruiken nu de zoekmachines de NoFollow tag?

Elk van de drie grote zoekmachines interpreteert de DoFollow backlinks geheel op hun eigen manier:

Google volgt NoFollow backlinks maar geeft er simpelweg geen voordeel door aan de backlink met het nofollow attribuut.

Yahoo volgt NoFollow en haalt de backlink compleet uit haar index.

Bing kan de NoFollow zowel niet als wel volgen, maar haalt de backlink helemaal uit haar index.

Hoe vinden we nu dofollow backlinks:

Er zijn een paar manieren hoe je dofollow website’s kan vinden en deze zal ik je even opsommen.

1) Met Google afbeeldingen:

Ga naar Google afbeelding en zoek op volgende search string “U Comment, I Follow”, Op deze manier krijg je allerlei websites te zien die hun blog commentaren  op dofollow hebben staan. Het enige nadeel vind ik is dat er weinig Nederlanstalige blogs te vinden zijn.

2) Met Blog engine:

Ga naar  en zoek op volgende search string “powered by blogengine.NET” “zoekwoord”. Blogengine.Net is standaard dofollow en daarom ook een van meest bezochte Blogplatforms om commentaar op te geven, wat als nadeel heeft dat er heel wat gespamd word op deze blogs.

3) Met Social netwerk site’s:

Google houd van Social netwerk websites en Dofollow backlinks van deze site’s is dan ook een absolute must. Je kan hier een lijst downloaden met PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8, PR9 Social netwerk websites waar je een Dofollow backlink kan achter laten.

4) Met DoFollow Social Bookmarking sites:

Net als de social netwerk site’s is het belangrijk om van de Social Bookmarking site’s een link te versieren, je kan hier een lijst downloaden van Social bookmarking site’s die dofollow backlinks toelaten.

Meer dofollow backlinks vinden

Natuurlijk zijn er nog meer methode’s om dofollow backlinks te verkrijgen, Maar wil je meer weten hoe je je website kan promoten, schrijf je dan in op onze nieuwsbrief en blijf op de hoogte hoe je je website hoog in de Google resultaten kan krijgen.

Posted in Backlinks | Tags: dofollow backlinks, nofollow 33 Responses to “Hoe kan je dofollow backlinks vinden?” Matthijs: December 17, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Vooral die lijst is handig. Dank hiervoor. Ga kijken of ik op een aantal van deze sites een link kan scoren.

Reply Jens Swelson: December 17, 2010 at 6:56 pm

Als je op zoek bent naar Nederlandse do-follow blogs, kun je ook eens op kijken. Dit is een website waar je Nederlandstalige dofollow-webblogs kunt aanmelden.

Reply admin: December 17, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Ok jens bedankt voor de tip, ondertussen heb ik deze blog ook Dofollow gemaakt.

Reply Ber: December 18, 2010 at 9:51 am

Bedankt voor de tip en de lijst. Ik ga er zeker mee aan de slag.

Reply Jens Swelson: December 23, 2010 at 9:29 am

@admin: nou, grijp die kans en voeg dit blog ook toe! ;-)

Reply Dirk: December 24, 2010 at 2:45 pm

Wel spijtig dat het een klein lijstje is

Reply admin: December 24, 2010 at 2:56 pm

Ik ben de lijst aan het bijwerken, nog even geduld.

Reply Teak Meubelen: December 26, 2010 at 1:13 pm

Ook NOfollow links geven waarde door. Minder dan DOfollow, maar ze hebben zeker waarde.

Reply June 29, 2011 at 5:53 pm

Dit betwijfel ik, heb zelf al tests gedaan en deze link werd gewoonweg niet als link beschouwd. Wel zou het kunnen dat het telt als een vermelding als de domeinnaam de anchortekst is. Als men bijvoorbeeld ergens plaatst zonder dat het een links is dan zou deze ook meetellen voor ranking (zegt matt cutts).

Reply Rob Envelop: January 22, 2011 at 7:42 pm

Handige lijst. Bedankt. Ik ga er gelijk me aan de slag.

Reply Ayyildiz: January 23, 2011 at 1:47 am

bedankt voor de handige lijst. even kijken of ik er wat mee kan doen :)

Reply Soortelijk gewicht: February 18, 2011 at 5:02 pm

Bedankt voor de goede tips!

Reply Nellie: February 27, 2011 at 11:28 am

Dit is gewoon precies wat ik zocht! Dank u!

Reply Cornell: March 13, 2011 at 8:53 am

Heel erg bedankt voor die lijst.
Het scheelt heel veel zoekwerk.

Reply RT: May 21, 2011 at 10:06 am

Mijn verwachtingen zijn dat zoekmachines in de toekomst de ‘nofollow’ zullen negeren. Tot dan wordt het zoeken naar websites die je pr wel verhogen.

Reply Hoog in Google: May 31, 2011 at 11:42 am

Zeer handige site!

Reply Goodlite Lichttherapie: May 31, 2011 at 7:36 pm

Is een do-follow link op een site met een lagere PR dan je eigen website ook interessant of juist niet?

Reply admin: June 1, 2011 at 9:26 am

Een do-follow link is altijd interessant, de PR van een site met lage PR kan altijd nog stijgen.

Reply Robin: July 4, 2011 at 12:40 pm

Handige lijst. Leuke en nuttige post!! bedankt.

Reply kok aan huis: July 24, 2011 at 3:13 pm

handig :-)

Reply Sven: August 11, 2011 at 2:31 pm

Dit lijstje is interessant maar ik vraag me af of dit nut heeft voor Nederlandstalige artikels op te posten aangezien de sites in dit lijstje allemaal Engelstalig zijn. Iemand een idee hierover?

Reply Vichy Producten: August 15, 2011 at 10:00 pm

Bedankt voor de tip, Zeker dat ik hier gebruik van ga maken

Reply Vrouwen Versieren: August 19, 2011 at 8:31 pm

Bedankt voor dit bericht, wel jammer dat je op veel sites moet aanmelden om reacties te plaatsen (van dat pdfje)

Reply Profieltekst: August 29, 2011 at 10:06 am

Wat ik zelf gemerkt heb, is dat als je een link wilt krijgen van een blog. Het niet altijd van je comment hoeft te komen. Ik schrijf profielteksten voor mannen, en reageerde op een datingblog.

Toen kreeg ik een voorstel, naast dat m’n comment werd goedgekeurd (nofollow). Wilden ze ook een link van mijn website in een relevant blogartikel verwerken (dofollow). Doordat mijn website te maken had met het onderwerp ‘aantrekkelijk dating profiel’ was het voor hun interessant mijn website te vermelden.

Reply Andre: September 3, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Bedankt voor de tips, komen goed van pas!!

Reply Michel: September 22, 2011 at 10:11 am

Bedankt voor de tips, we zijn toevallig net begonnen met een linkbuilding campagne.

Reply Atti: October 12, 2011 at 10:05 am

thanx voor de lijst, ik zal er zeker naar kijken.

Reply Mindmap maken: October 25, 2011 at 6:25 pm

Wow dit is te gek.. ik ga dat: (“powered by blogengine.NET” “zoekwoord”) direct uitproberen! Echt te gek!!

Reply richard: November 1, 2011 at 10:32 pm

Super handig die lijst. Ik ga hem meteen gebruiken. Maakt het nog uit dat het buitenlandse sites zijn?

Reply stoppen met roken: November 2, 2011 at 7:41 am

geweldig die lijst. ik heb zojuist bovenaan begonnen en heb bij de eerste link al een account aangemaakt. nogmaals bedankt

Reply M. Vader: November 14, 2011 at 2:06 pm

Echt een goede lijst !, Super handig, heb er nu al veel gebruik van gemaakt.

Reply pyjama: November 21, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Zeer handig lijstje. Ik hou me sinds kort bezig met linkbuilding dus ik hou je site in de gaten:)

Reply Michael: November 23, 2011 at 1:33 pm

Dat “powered by blogengine.NET” “zoekwoord” werkt volgensmij niet zo goed als je beweert. Heb net even een paar keer op deze manier gezocht en hebt tot nu toe alleen maar blogs gevonden met nofollow. Wellicht dat ze het hebben aangepast vanwege de spam? Misschien slim om zelf even te checken zodat deze post up-to-date blijft.



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