Sunday, January 23, 2011

Google caffeine - the most important SEO Just Got keyword

The Internet is chattering about release of testing the new version of the Google search. This new version has been appointed to caffeine and all the right reasons. According to a Mashable test results may appear as much as 50% faster than with the old search on Google. While Google caffeine can take half the time to return results, it is the specific result which could be very important for the SEO professionals.

Why the Google is so powerful?

Google controls currently more than 70% of the research on the Internet. This means that 70% of Internet users will look for the information they want in Google, Yahoo, versus Bing or fainting AOL. These users are typing in what the SEO World considers phrases keyword long tail, according to Google, caffeine give them more relevant results even if they do not notice the difference. In terms of SEO, there is a very real difference.

The test of the new Google caffeine against the old version of Google, results for popular keywords have been much more suitable for this keyword. Whereas before, Google results can contain websites which was counterfeit or duplicate other high-ranking stuffed keywords Web sites, the new results seem to rule out shortcuts and concentrate more on the Web sites that use truly power of keywords and keyword phrases.

The algorithm is clearly different and professional SEOS need to understand when you are working with their clients, the power of the keyword has never been more pronounced. Backlinks quality as well as deeper links will remain very important. Website of small is also get a little stroke the new Google caffeine boost.

These small sites are often those who use inverse and deep ties linking practices to boost their search engine ranking placement (SERP). It seems that Google has finally seen the hard work and dedication of these smaller Web sites by providing a ranking more high on results pages.

What this mean for referencing?

The most popular sites in the world will not usually a difference in their page rank. These sites have years of work and referencing the backlinking on their side. Web site more will have little, however, an eye harder to concentrate keyword and their Internet marketing. Using a software construction backlink or a professional backlink business construction could be very useful when the new Google caffeine goes direct to the world.

There is also some speculation websites with an inventory like pages and closer is better price with the new Google search engine. There is a change of welcome for websites who have attempted to acquire the rank and page position on the SERP in vain. Take advantage of the new algorithm, SEO tactics keyword old enough to be reviewed. Working hard on SEO is still important with a few tweaks on the horizon, it seems.

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