Sunday, January 30, 2011

SEO optimization - Backlinks - SEO Tip-A-Day series

Search engine optimization takes lots of work and perseverance. However, the idea is to work smart, and it hurts if allocate you your time on proven strategies. In this article, I will bring the advantage of back-links and how they can improve your search engine rankings.

Whenever another website links to your site, you earn a previous link. Because most often, search engine spiders like Google and Yahoo to find sites and spider from following links, the more back links you have the better your site will be tariff classification. This reflects also on the popularity of your site, since sites sense including a link to your site would be advantageous to their visitors, the best and most popular your content.

Sounds easy right? In addition, it is and it is not.

In the next few paragraphs, I help you understand what quality links and you give a few strategies proven to obtain from their.

Types of back-links:

1 - A links course - where a links site to yours but you do not link to this site (precious)

2 - way 2 / reciprocal links-when Exchange you links with another site (less valuable)

We will start from the latter. 2 way links, reciprocal links a.k.a, a.k.a link exchange is where you show them their and show you yours. This type of link is not necessarily a strategic way to get listed high in the search engines, but if it is properly, is a good way to get the most targeted exposure and in turn the traffic.

That site search engines no longer has much value on reciprocal links, it is important to use this marketing tactic to receive more targeted exposure. What I mean by targeted exposure, a link to your site visible to the type of visitor you want, the type who is interested in your content, product or service. More targeted traffic you get, the chances are that you will get a new repeat visitor/customer and which would later be recommending your site to others. It's good targeted traffic, the kind you would even pay for.

Do then how you get reciprocal links? First of all make sure that your site is attractive to other webmasters.

Build a quality site and provide good quality content that would allow other webmasters a reason to link to your site. Think about it. You put a link for your visitors to see if when monitoring is no value for them? How this will reflect on you and your content?

Once the content of your site is ready, research sites complementing industries and topics. Sites that would benefit your visitors, but would not directly compete with yours. Create a list of top sites page, sites with search engines. Once you compile your list, see if these sites offer to exchange links. If not, contact the webmaster and request that they exchange links with you. Try and sell the benefit of this link - exchange why it would be advantageous to their visitors to the site, how a reciprocal link on your site give them more targeted exposure etc. Spam not and do not harass. A friendly and professional email and maybe again after some time elapsed with no response is quite sufficient. If you receive no response, no cargo - you have a long list of other sites you ready - right?

It is important to emphasize that you try and limit your back links to sites with good page rank. If you link or are related to spam sites, or are otherwise negatively viewed by search engines, your ranking will suffer as well.

How to get one way links-

As I mentioned earlier, one way links will be thinking about your rankings. Here is a list of ways:

1-Directories- Submit your site to free and quality directories as you can []. If you offer a blog, submitting to blog directories. If you use a niche or a geographic area, submit to the directories and/or categories that attract your target market. To enhance your exposure, prepare and replacing multiple tags and title your targeted keywords.

Article 2-presentations If you're an expert on a topic and time share, article marketing is a great way to get valuable links go targeted exposure. Article submission sites allow you to link to your site in an area of resources, and some allow to include more links in the body of the article. Article submission directories better classified as it often get "spidered" and seeks an additional, advantage that your article - it is of good quality, is probably found and included in many other web sites without content.

Lines 3 - signature- Another excellent way to get more links one way is to participate in the better ranked topic forums, which allow you to include a link to your site in the signature line. If use you this method, make sure you that you read the policies of the forum, each signature lines and link inclusion, as well classified forums are usually very lively, and spamming the site of is due to removal of your links, so all this time spent reading and responding will go to waste. In addition, forget not that if you participate in a forum in an appropriate manner, contribute your thoughts and your knowledge, you will therefore encourage guests of the forum click through your site, resulting in more targeted traffic for you.

4-Article / Blog - comments A final tip I have is to search for highly rated/recommended blogs and article sites that attract visitors that you are looking for. Read and participate in the comment, and you have won other link go. Yet once again provide insightful comments and your efforts will be rewarded - ranking higher, more valuable targeted traffic and exposure.

Eva Lohan is a site administrator and an author for Rak - Wholesale .com []: a portal free online offering expert articles regularly updated, resources and tools to help start, build and grow your online business.

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